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Why I Abandoned Tough Love Instead of My Child

Read about how one mother helped her heroin-addicted son to stay safe and alive and to know that he was a valuable human being—whether or not he continued to use drugs—until he was ready to change.

Harm Reduction


The goal of harm reduction is to meet people who use drugs "where they're at," with no judgment, and help them reduce the negative consequences of their drug use. 

We do this by:

  • Training people to use Narcan (naloxone), which can prevent death by reversing opioid overdose.  In collaboration with Winona State University and the Community Interfaith Dialogue on Islam, we sponsor Narcan Training and Distribution events. The training is held online and Narcan kits are distributed by a curbside pick-up.    

    We can hold a special training session for your organization. Contact us to learn more.

  • Providing clean syringes to people who inject drugs with syringe (needle) exchange programs.

  • Screening for HIV and Hepatitis C viruses, which can be passed from person to person by using shared syringes.

  • Drug testing for fentanyl, which is cheaper and about 50 times stronger than heroin. Sometimes people don’t know that fentanyl has been mixed into their drugs. In 2018 fentanyl became the number one opioid killer due to overdose deaths (per US Centers for Disease and Control [CDC]).

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